Stewart CountyThings to do January 24, 2025

Music At The Annex

One thing is for certain-there’s good music to be found in Stewart County if you just look around a little bit.


Last weekend we were fortunate to hear from Adam Smith, Kyle Wallace, and their band.  Jonathan and I have heard them play a few times out at Wyatt’s Chapel Church and a few local events and we always enjoy their music.  This time they played a full-blown concert at the Dover Annex, which was the site of the local grade school up until the mid 90s here in Stewart County.


It was terribly cold out but Stewart Countians sure love some good entertainment.  People were filing in right up until the show started at 6:30.  I was glad to see a packed auditorium for the show.


The music was terrific and a nice blend of oldies, rock, country, and a little gospel.  Adam is a talented showman and piano player, and Kyle is about the best fiddle player I’ve ever heard.  Adam’s brother and daughter, as well as his nephew, made up the rest of the band.  That family sure has some talent!


I always love attending events at the Annex.  Is it comfortable?  No.  The seats are old and the room is usually too hot or too cold.  But the history of that room is wonderful.  It was the gym of the old grade school and the original floors are still there.



That wood floor will probably outlast all of us!


We spent a lovely two hours listening to the band knock everyone’s socks off.  It was definitely the best $10 I’ve spent in a while.  I sure hope they have another concert soon.