Things to do January 17, 2025

(Not quite) Professional Basketball in Stewart County

I don’t know about you and your family, but me and my crew LOVE watching live sports.  We’ve taken the kids to just about every type of sporting event you can image-baseball, basketball, football, hockey, and everything in between.  My husband loves hockey, so we often attend Nashville Predators game in Nashville (#gopreds).

I prefer the slower rhythm of a good baseball game.  Professional is fun, but I’ll take a Little League game over professional every day of the week.  When my son was a year old, I noticed he was showing signs of being left handed AND that he was able to throw a ball back to me fairly accurately.  My heart skipped a beat and I began to imagine all the time we would be spending at the baseball fields watching him play.  I signed that little South Paw up for tee ball at 3 years old and we’ve never looked back.

Unfortunately, there’s no baseball in the winter so we suffice with basketball.  Is it as fun to watch?  Ehh, maybe.  It sure can be exciting when the score is close and the kids are playing hard.  Are the seats better?  Heck NO.  My husband and I invested in heavily padded bleacher seats this year and put an end to sitting on plastic bleachers now that we’re in our 40s.  I’d much rather be parked beside the court in my camping chair but the refs aren’t a fan of my blocking the court lines.

In an attempt to keep their parents entertained, both children have returned this year to play Junior Pro basketball.  It’s “Junior” so they don’t get paid to play like the actual pro players do. 🙂

Are my kids the top players?  Nope.  Definitely not.  Do they love basketball and have a passion for the hoops?  Also, no.  But they both love being on teams and doing the best they can do.  I love that about both of my kids.  Neither one is super competitive, they just like to play.



My daughter’s team won her age division last year and she was just tickled.  She’s by far the tallest kiddo on the team!

So, from now and for the next 6 weeks (mid February, I guess?) the school gyms will be full every Saturday from 8:00 am until the evening with kids playing their hearts out and parents cheering them on.  It’s $5 cash to get in at the door and it’s some fine entertainment.  Stewart County is blessed with a lot of nice kids with talent that tolerate and include the kids who just show up to have a good time.



My husband and I appreciate all of the people who volunteer to coach, referee, work the doors, and make hot dogs to sell (Mitchell Givens, you are the best!).  We enjoy getting to see people we know and do a little Saturday visiting.  Small town life is slow, but it’s nice when we an all get together for a few Saturdays in the cold weather and watch the kids have a good time.  I hope to see you there!


#juniorpro #basketball#tennessee #stewartcountytn #dovertn #realestate #kentuckylake #lakehomes #smalltown