One of my absolute favorite stores to shop in Dover is Treasures on the Trace. This nondescript little building on The Trace houses millions of little treasures ready to be pilfered through!
Sitting at 501 The Trace in Dover, Tennessee, just a few miles south of the South Welcome Center of LBL
Just look at all of these amazing finds!
The building is chock full of tiny little booths run by locals who peddle their gently used antiques, collectibles, and wares to shoppers looking for a slow-paced experience. I often find myself saying, “Oh, I had one of those as a kid!” or “My grandma had that in her house!” when I’m wandering around.
Sellers generally have their items priced well below market value, in my opinion. I know occasionally a trinket buyer will come from a big city and do a mass purchase, clearing out inventory from several booths in one fell swoop! As a booth owner myself, it just tickles me when that happens. I get to go home and dig out more unused stuff from my attic or storage space and re-stock my booth!
I try to focus on decor, used books, and dishes. It seems like the stuff I think will sell quickly sits around a while and the stuff I think will linger will fly off the shelf. Recently, I’ve started selling small watercolor paintings that I’ve made. It seems like there’s a fair amount of interest for me to continue making these to sell.
The store has been here for 5+ years and I’m always surprised when locals have never heard of it. Granted, used items aren’t everyone’s cup of tea. I think some of us just enjoy digging through other people’s things to try to find the perfect item for our home! It’s kind of like an ongoing yard sale…but with better stuff. And, air conditioning. Ha!
One of the other things I love about Treasures on the Trace is that I can almost always count on running into someone I haven’t seen in a while when I’m there. The store runs an online auction every week on Facebook named “Pickers on the Trace”. Folks are always coming in to pick up items they’ve won in the auction, so you might catch a friend dropping by the next time you stop in to shop.
Don’t miss out on Treasures on the Trace. It’s just one of many places in Stewart County that makes our community great.
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